How to record your experience

If you want to record your experience, we have a solution for you!

Double A Labs avatar
Written by Double A Labs
Updated over a week ago

There are a variety of screen recording programs and solutions. We recommend using OBS to screen record.

If this is your first time recording using OBS, we recommend recording a short video, then playing it back to confirm everything is as it should be before recording your event.

How to download OBS using Windows

Step 1: Download OBS Studio from:

Step 2: Open OBS, select optimize for recording and adjust preset video settings as desired. Standard hi res setting is 1920x1080, but 1280 x 720 will work as well.

Step 3: OBS should automatically add a scene. If not, hit the plus button in the bottom left under scenes to add one.

Step 4: Once a scene is added, add a source under the sources section and select display capture.

Step 5: Another pop up will be displayed that will allow you to choose the screen that you will be recording. If you have multiple monitors, hit the drop down menu under display and select the monitor you would like to record. Once selected, press ok to proceed.

Step 6: Adjust your audio settings to record the sources you want.

Step 7: You can toggle your microphone on and off from the Audio Mixer section of the main screen. In the image below, you will see the Desktop Audio is being recorded, but the Mic/Aux is not.

Step 8: On the right hand side under controls select Settings and navigate to the output tab. Once there, select the recording path and choose where the file will be stored once recorded.

Step 9: Click Start recording under the controls panel to begin recording your experience!

If this is your first time recording using OBS, we recommend recording a short video, then playing it back to confirm everything is as it should be before recording your event.

Screen Recording on a Mac

Coming Soon!

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