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How to Kick, Ban, or Disable a User
How to Kick, Ban, or Disable a User

Do you need to remove someone from the World? Here's how!

Double A Labs avatar
Written by Double A Labs
Updated over a week ago

There are 3 levels of removing users from the world:

Kick from Room

This function is to remove an avatar due to closing down the room or removing for inappropriate behavior as a warning.

  1. Go to the room of the user you'd like to Kick.

  2. Open up the chat box.

  3. Type /kick [user’s name] into the chat window and hit "enter" or "send"

    1. To get their username, left click on the avatar.

  4. This will automatically refresh their page causing them to have to re-log back in.

Ban a User

Note: Banning only applies to users with accounts. If they enter as a guest, they will just be kicked out but can still log in.

Administrators and Moderators of a Double A world can ‘ban’ an unruly user from a world by disabling a users account from within a room. Doing so will immediately remove the user from the world and return them to the login screen. When attempting to login again they will receive the following message: “The account you’re attempting to access has been suspended.”

They will not be able to login.

  1. As a world moderator or administrator in a room, select a user to view the quick actions menu for that user.

  2. Click on the ‘Ban’ option from the list.

  3. The world moderator or administrator will be presented with a dialog box asking them to confirm the user's name and that they want to remove them from the world and suspend their account.

  4. If confirmed then other world moderators and administrators will receive a message stating the users name and that they were banned.

Disabling User Accounts

Within a Double A world an Administrator can disable a users’ account. Doing so will prevent the user from logging into the world with that account.

Note: this does not work for guests that come in as anonymous users as their data is not saved.

  1. As a world administrator enter the ‘Admin Panel’ from the option menu

  2. Select the ‘User Accounts’ tab on the left

  3. Find and select the user whose account you wish to disable

  4. Scroll down and select ‘Disable’ from the toggle

The next time the user attempts to login they will receive the following message:

“The account you’re attempting to access has been suspended.”

They will not be able to login.

Re-Activating User Accounts

Within a Double A world an Administrator can re-activate a users’ account. Doing so will allow the user to login to the Double A world with that account.

  1. As a world administrator enter the ‘Admin Panel’ from the option menu

  2. Select the ‘User Accounts’ tab on the left

  3. Find and select the user whose account you wish to disable

  4. Scroll down and select “Activate’ from the toggle

The next time the user attempts to login they will be able to do so.

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