Spectator Mode

Spectator Mode is a Room Setting option. You can choose to have users enter a Room as a spectator instead of an avatar.

Double A Labs avatar
Written by Double A Labs
Updated over a week ago

Why would you want to have Spectators instead of Avatars?

Sometimes you may want to only have speakers present in a room. This is similar to a typical webinar where only specific presenters can be seen and heard, while the audience is watching and using the Room Chat for questions and comments.

Another reason is that the platform can host up to 150 avatars in a room. If you want more than 150 guests, use Spectator Mode to allow thousands of additional users in a room.

Spectator Mode is a Room Setting option. You can choose to have users enter a Room as a spectator instead of an avatar.

Spectator Mode is enabled automatically in the World’s Default Room. This is to allow more than 150 users to enter at a time. You cannot turn off spectator mode in the default room.

What is a Spectator?

A Spectator is a user who logs into a Room that does not have access to their microphone or camera. They will be able to click on interactables, hear Speakers in the room and communicate via the Room Chat.

What can a Spectator do?

When a user logs into a Room as a Spectator, they are notified that they are entering as a Spectator. They do not have an Actions Bar at the bottom center of their screen, but they can click and interact with any content in the Room and use the Room Chat.

How does an Admin set up a Spectator enabled Room?

  1. In the Admin Panel, select Rooms

  2. Click on the Room you want to turn Spectator Mode on

  3. In the Room Settings area, select Edit

  4. Enter the number of users you want to have an avatar in the Room.

    For example, set the number to 0 for all users to enter as Spectators.

    Another example, if you want to allow 20 users to enter with their avatars, and the other users as Spectators, set the Room Limits to 20. The first 20 users to enter a Spectator enabled room will enter with their avatars. Any additional user will enter as a Spectator. Should an avatar leave the room, then the next user to enter will manifest with their avatar.

  5. Turn on Spectator Mode and select Save

Are there user roles that bypass Spectator Mode?

Yes! A user will be able to enter a Spectator Mode enabled room with their avatar if they have an account and a role of Contributor or above. For more info on User Accounts, please see our User Accounts article.

Another way to bypass Spectator Mode is to create an Invite Code.

A Guest, without a user account, can use an Invite Code that will allow them to enter any Spectator Mode enabled room with their avatar.

  • Select "Quick Join as Guest" on the login screen

  • Enter First and Last Name

  • Enter the Invite Code (provided by an Admin) and click Apply

  • Select Continue to login

This code will be active for the duration of the user's session. If a user exits the World, they will need to follow the login steps again.

How to setup an Invite Code

An Admin can setup an Invite Code in the World Settings on the Admin Panel.

  • Turn on Accept Invite Code

  • Enter the desired code

  • Save

Presenting in a Spectator Mode room

Anyone presenting to the audience must have Speaker Mode enabled in order for Spectators to hear them. Entering Speaker Mode will make a user's avatar larger.

Other avatars in a Spectator Mode enabled room can hear each other regardless of speaker mode. Spatial audio settings also apply to avatars in the room.

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