All users now have the ability to record their sessions on their desktop devices using the Screen Record feature.
For mobile, use the built in screen recording function of the phone.
Tip: For the best quality output when recording, it is recommended that the recorder is wearing headphones to prevent capturing audio delay.
The maximum recording limit is three hours, which produces 1Gb file.
If you encounter any issues, check out which browsers/OS versions aren’t fully supported on Double A in the Updated Hardware & Software Requirements
How to Screen Record
1. On your action bar in the bottom center of your screen, click the Screen Record button.
2. A dialogue box will appear to Choose what to share:
Browser Tab
Entire Screen
Select what you would like to record and click Share. Note: This is similar to screensharing.
Share options explained below (or click the link)
3. Once a share option is selected, the Screen Record button will turn red and you will be recording.
4. To stop recording, click the Screen Record button. You will see it go from the recording state of red to white.
5. Once stopped, a video file will automatically be downloaded to your computer.
Videos are saved to the user's default ‘save directory’ as an MP4 file.
Video playback doesn’t display a timeline in some video players like VLC, whereas in others (YouTube, Instagram, Slack, etc.) it will. This is a known limitation of the media recorder across the internet.
Share Options Explained
Browser Tab - This allows you to record the browser tab that the World is opened in. You cannot change the tab you're recording while recording.
To capture audio from the Tab, select “share tab audio” via the check box in the bottom left. This is required to capture other users audio in your recording.
Window - This allows you to capture your entire browser window, showing all your tabs, including changing tabs.
To capture audio from the Window, select “share system audio” via the check box in the bottom left. This is required to capture other users audio in your recording.
Entire Screen - This allows you to capture your entire screen, showing your browser and any other application(s) that may be open and visible.
To capture audio from the Window, select “share system audio” via the check box in the bottom left. This is required to capture other users audio in your recording.
Note: Regardless of which option is selected above, the user's own audio will also be recorded despite having their own microphone being muted or not in the world.
*This will be changing in the next release on Jun 20, when the mute status in the product is recognized in the recording.